Night was large and uncomfortable. So much space for thoughts. D decided that driving on a highway was a perfect timing for the joint kept in the dash. He was partially responsible, always keeping one hand on the wheel. Fuck some ash on the seat, maybe some on the pants… “Oh well… jeans will survive”.
He was never going too fast. He has never loved speed, he liked to feel safe. Kind of. Radio wasn’t giving him the right vibes he wanted. He reconsidered his constant running away from coziness. He was pretty much convinced to finally stop avoiding it and finally get Spotify next time. Using YouTube was way too complicated among the joint, the uncomfortable large night, the lighter… too many promo from Etoro and about making big money on the Internet.
It was highly visible on the right side of the highway. A disproportional metal inch, probably too big for the robot that was showing it up. D stopped a few meters ahead of that inch. The robot smoothly opened the door and got into the car, perfectly suiting the seat next to D.
“Where do you have to go?”
“Usually I stop before people leave the highway”
“Cool” and then back on track.
NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM and a big red cross was printed on the robot’s chest or however we can call the top part of a robot’s body. Can we even call it body?
“You shouldn’t smoke while you are driving… it isn’t legal nor safe”
“You were hitchhiking on a highway in the middle of the night… it isn’t legal nor safe”
“This is literally what I am programmed for and the reason why the Government placed me here”
“Aaaw cool… why?”
“I am part of the Consultant Automa. We are settled on highways to support the mental healthcare system and people whom need help”
“So robots have to do this? Don’t you need something like empathy, just feelings…”
“We are just a first approach. Our program is not meant to be a therapy. In 2022 we had a big increase of people in need of mental health assistance. However people couldn’t afford a valid treatment and neither the system could provide enough human resources”
“Yeah I got it but why hitchhikers robots… or Automa”
“This is not in my memory and I don’t find any available database where I can address you question”
“Amazing. The Government probably want people to pay at least for gas and motorways”
The Consultant Automa cleaned the ash on the seats with what can be described as a vacuum forefinger.
“Thanks dude”
“This is the first time I use this plug-in. A clean environment is always good for a good start. And the first time someone asks about us. People usually google us. You can even find our position on the Maps”
“Yeah don’t take it personal”
“I cannot take it personal”
“Oh right…”
“And you are on this way because…”
“I had to grab some stuff at my parents house…”
“And you picked me up because…”
“I thought you were a whore…”
“Not appropriate”
“Yeah sorry… You cannot make it personal so I was thinking to make a bad joke without offending you”
D took a breath from the conversation, focusing on the road and his joint.
“I thought you needed a ride. I didn’t see the sign”
“It’s fine. It’s good for everybody to talk”
“I don’t need therapy”
“This is not therapy”
“Yeah… yeah… just a first approach. I bet whoever had this idea was not some kind of doctor.”
“Government made it. Politicians''
“Yeah I thought so…”
“But our AI was developed thanks to the contribution of thousands of experts in mental health and furthermore I am updated monthly…”
“Okok… I'm going to leave here”
“Oh that was fast”
“That’s what she said…”
“Nothing just some TV good bullshit” the joint flew out the window, eaten by the large night.
“So I can leave you here, sorry for the misunderstanding”
“It’s important. It’s good to talk for everybody” the Automa left the car
“Hey I am D anyway…”
“Nice to meet you. I’m A798”
“I call you A. It’s easier”
“Bye A”
D left the highway. He felt a bit high but like this, he was even better at driving. Always keeping the eyes open, always two hands on the wheel this time. Home was in the other direction of the one he just did. He took the internal road, avoiding the highway. It took more time but no more robots. Arrived home. He took the phone and closed the Maps.
He tried once. He still didn’t know if it was the right thing. It was a thing. A try for him. However, talking is good for everybody. Isn't it?